Thursday, June 27, 2013

How to Protecting Pipes from Freezing Weather in Charlotte

Pipe Freezing Prevention 
Protecting Pipes from Freezing Weather in Charlotte

In Charlotte, October to November is a good time for checking that the house will get through winter. The foliage is dying down, and it is easier to see if there are any shrubs hanging onto your house. Brick and siding lasts longer without clinging vines or roots.  Charlotte winters are unpredictable in knowing when the sub-freezing temperatures will be here, you haven’t a moment to lose to take steps to ensure your plumping pipes will be insulated against the sub-freezing temperatures. Because frozen water increases in size, a frozen plumbing pipe is in danger of cracking or breaking. Not only might your water flow be decreased or shut off when a pipe freezes, but after the thaw which will happen in Charlotte off and on all winder, you will develop a potentially very damaging plumbing leak as water pours out from the gap in the tube.

For people who will be away this winter for extended time traveling, or people who have unused upper stories in the home, it is specially important to have a plumber come out and winterize the home. In order to cut back on the fuel costs, most people lower the thermostat in unused rooms. This makes plumbing pipes in those areas particularly vulnerable to crystalizing. Just imagine returning from a vacation and discovering your precious carpets ravaged by a large flood brought on by a burst plumbing pipe and you can understand the paramountcy of winterizing the plumbing your dwelling. The positive news is, most all purpose plumbing companies provide a a pre-winter pipe protection plan, which can be specifically tailored to your home plumbing requirements. although every household and each situation is different, this is what a licensed plumbing company will do for you. Plumbing companies will begin by putting insulation all over exposed plumbing pipes, particularly pipes along outside walls, which are the ones most likely to bring cold air to flow into the domicile. homeowners who will be away for a long period of time most often set their thermometers at 40 degrees.

Now here’s the real preparation. When winterizing the plumbing of a domicile for homeowners who will be out of town for most of the winter, the plumbing company will drain all the plumbing pipes in the home. To accomplish this,, they will shut the power to the water heater and boiler, and shut off the gas flow to gas powered heaters. Next they will pour anti-freeze into the pipes, to protect them from bursting, even in the most frigid conditions. the plumber will add anti-freeze to the toilets as well. When winterizing the plumbing of dwellings with unoccupieid upper stories, a plumbing company can install, as needed, shut off valves to the plumbing pipes that bring water to the upstairs. For easy use, the plumber will change the valves from gate valves to ball valves, which require a simple 1/4 turn to close the water flow.

Every type of exposed plumbing pipe must be insulated, whether it is made of plastic or metal, as both types are vulnerable to freezing and breaking. Often galvanized pipes that break are the hardest to fix.
The cost for plumbing winterization varies from area to area and domicile to domicile, but it is cash well worth spending. Recent winters in Charlotte have been very unpredictable from warm to the most frigid on record over the longest time occurring in the last few years. Preparing your plumbing pipes for winter brings with it the security of knowing that your plumbing pipes will be safe all winter.

If your looking for a plumber in Greater Charlotte, Concord, Harrisburg and… Contact the plumbing experts at Pathmaker Plumbing: 704-773-7507

How to Install a Toilet

How to Install a Toilet
Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Ethan Hagan of One Project Closer.

Is your toilet cracked or damaged? Did your kid flush something that’s blocking the line? Are you looking to upgrade your commode? There are plenty of reasons for installing a toilet, and many homeowners call in a plumber to get it done. However, if you’re reasonably handy, consider trying this one yourself and saving a few bucks. Installing a toilet is a great DIY project, and just imagine the sense of accomplishment (and relief) when you finish. This tutorial will walk you through it step-by-step.
Tools & Materials
Installing a toilet doesn’t require much in the way of tools, and in fact, you can accomplish the task without any power tools. Here’s what you’ll need before getting started:

Toilet - plumbers I’ve spoken with say Kohler makes the best and most cost efficient toilets, and they don’t recommend anything less than 1.6 gallons per flush,


Wax ring - if the flange sits even with or slightly below the floor, get an extended-height wax ring.


Closet bolts - self-adjusting closet bolts mean you won’t need to cut or snap the excess bolt length.Unfortunately, the local DIY center may not carry these, so check a plumbing supply shop.


Toilet connector - flexible, braided steel connectors eliminate using a tubing bender to fit the supply line between the stop-valve and the tank fitting.
  • Pennies or stainless steel washers - for shimming the toilet.
  • Torpedo level
  • Adjustable wrench
  • Screwdriver
I like to assemble the toilet before installing. The tank adds a little more weight but it’s much more convenient in my opinion. If you prefer, you can attach the tank afterwards.


Most manufacturers include all the necessary hardware and often install the fill-kit too. Double-check everything to make sure it’s right, and be careful not to over-tighten the nuts, which will crack the porcelain.


Step 1: Prepare the Flange
After you remove the old toilet, scrape away the nasty, old wax ring with some cardboard or something you can throw away. Inspect the flange, and if it’s cracked or damaged, repair kits are available at your local DIY center. For those up to the task, you can replace your flange without too much difficulty, but that’s outside the scope of this tutorial.


Step 2: Position Closet Bolts
Using self-adjusting closet bolts is the way to go because they eliminate the need to snap or cut excess bolt length. These bolts feature a white threadlocker that, when the hex nut reaches it, drives the stud further into the anchor nut.


Slip the closet bolts on either side and move the lock washers down snug against the flange.


Step 3: Place Wax RingYou can put the wax ring directly on the flange or on the underside of the toilet. I opt for putting it on the flange because there’s no chance it’ll fall off when I’m lugging the toilet around.


If your flange is sitting a little low, use an extended-height wax ring.


Step 4: Set Toilet
Move the toilet over the flange and line up the holes with the closet bolts.


When it’s in position, firmly press the toilet against the floor.


Step 5: Add Washers and Nuts
Put the nylon washers and regular washers over the bolts and hand-tighten the nuts on both sides.


Step 6: Level the Toilet
Check the toilet for level front-to-back and side-to-side.


If it’s out of level or rocks back and forth, shim the toilet with pennies or stainless steel washers. You can buy plastic toilet shims; however, I’d advise against them because they often crack when I attempt to cut them to size.


When you’re satisfied that the toilet is level, tuck the pennies underneath the edge and out of sight. Next, tighten the nuts on the closet bolts, but not too tight. Attach the bolt caps to conceal the closet bolts.


Step 7: Attach Supply Line
Most toilets take a 3/8″ connector, and the connector I show here includes rubber gaskets that eliminate the need for wrapping threads with teflon tape.


Step 8: Verify Fill Level
When everything is connected, open the supply valve and let the tank fill up. Check for leaks and adjust the fill valve so that the water meets the fill line.


If your looking for a plumber in Greater Charlotte, Concord, Harrisburg and… Contact the plumbing experts at Pathmaker Plumbing: 704-773-7507

How to Fix a Clogged Toilet

No Plumber Needed: Fixing a Clogged Toilet
Uh-oh, not again, the toilet is clogged.
The flush doesn’t sound right and you get that sinking feeling. You turn and see the water is just not going down or the water is all gone and not refilling. Worse, there is a clump of toilet paper. It can be very annoying to deal with a clogged toilet. Somehow it seems to happen exactly when you are expecting company.

At least usually this is not a job that requires your plumber’s expertise. Knowing a few tricks and techniques can make fixing a clogged toilet relatively easy.

To begin with, here is what you DO NOT want to do. The toilet won’t magically repair itself so don’t keep flushing!!!! You’ll only add more water to the bowl and risk making the situation far worse because of spillage of unsanitary water. In some cases that water will slowly drain back out, however when it doesn’t your repair job will be that trickier not to become very distastefully messy.

Stop when see the toilet is clogged and first put on rubber gloves. Lay down on the floow some old newspaper or rags or towels you are willing to part with. If the toilet overflows, you definitely don’t want the spillage to spread quickly across your bare floor and worse leak outside the bathroom tile to carpet or wood floors.

The second step is to grab a bucket of cold water and pour it down the drain. Stand up tall to pour it from your chest level so the cold water has some force behind it. Definitely you want to keep checking so as not to pour too fast if the water is not helping push out the clog. Don’t continue pouring if you reach halfway up the bowl just in case you must use a plunger. Using a plunger with bowl over half full will pretty much guarantee you will splash the contents everywhere.

If the bucket trick doesn’t work, it’s time to turn off the water supply to toilet and grab your plunger. For the plunger to work effectively, it needs to be underwater. Add some cold water if there is not enough so that the plunger is submerged. Making sure the plunger covers the hole properly to get a seal you can try a gentler technique that is less likely to splatter. Very slowly press down the plunger and then forcibly pull up to create a suction force. Repeating this several time is often sufficient to dislodge the clog and cause the toilet to flush. If not then you can try a rapid pumping of the plunger back and forth. Finally if not working you can give it a few firm fast downward pumps though this is more likely to generate some splatter so be careful. Often one of these plunger tricks will work right away and the water in the bowel will flush out.

If after all this, you still have a clog, sometimes a combination plan is necessary. Fill the bucket with some hot water and dump that into the bowl. Don’t use boiling water as you as some splatter could scald you. Next, apply a few squirts of liquid hand dishwashing detergent. Hopefully your guests are not about to arrive as at this point as you will need to allow it to sit giving the soap solution time to break up the blockage. After some time has passed, use the plunging tricks again.

Alternating these processes will sometimes break up a really tough clog. If you are very unlucky and these tricks fail, the final trick you have in your arsenal is a chemical drain cleaner. This also will take time to work so hopefully your house has a second bathroom for your guests.

Should this final solution fail, there is possibly a more serious issue occuring than your typical clog and it’s prudent at this time to call the pros at Pathmaker Plumbing. Unless your situation is because of a more serious issue your home’s drainage system, just about every clogged toilet can be fixed by you using the techniques described here without the professionals. However, we are there to help if you need us!

If your looking for a plumber in Greater Charlotte, Concord, Harrisburg and… Contact the plumbing experts at Pathmaker Plumbing: 704-773-7507

Is Back-Drafting Causing Sewer Gas Odors in your home or office?

Is Back-Drafting Causing Sewer Gas Odors in your home or office?

What’s that sewer smell?
If you are smelling an odor akin to the sewer in your home or office, it’s likely that back-drafting is happening. Back-drafting refers to conditions which create sufficient negative air pressure inside a building such that gases may be sucked into the building from a plumbing drain system or such that heating appliances may lack adequate combustion air and possibly allow carbon monoxide to build up enough to induce suffocation. The latter is particularly dangerous as carbon monoxide has no smell.
Right now Charlotte is experiencing some intermittent stormy days.  This being Charlotte, we do know that in the future we will get bouts of very heavy rain and flooding.  Indoor sewer gas odors can occur from a combination of wet weather, flooding sewer and storm drains, and back-drafting in the home or commercial building due to improper exhaust fan vent installation.  Back-drafting in a building causes more than bad smells.  It can lead to the intake of explosive methane gasses from the sewer system or potentially fatal carbon monoxide hazards from heating appliances in the building.

Any of several factors listed below can cause negative air pressure inside a home or commercial building  such that back-drafting may occur at the plumbing vents or building drains
  • Rain, wet weather, and local flooding can allow sewer gases to back up through building drains. The gasses can correctly move up through building vent piping to the roof, or incorrectly move into your home or commercial building through the dry traps and drains.
  • Sewer gas reentry into homes or buildings: When a plumbing vent is incorrectly located too close to a door, window, soffit vent, or even a kitchen or bath vent duct, vented sewer gasses can come back into your house or commercial structure. The reentry of vented sewer gases is more likely when:
    • Strong steady wind pushes sewer gases from a source towards any building openings, windows, vents or doors
    • Other conditions (heavy rain, storm drain flooding, or sewer drain flooding) produce higher than typical levels of sewer gases venting through a structure’s plumbing vent system
  • Kitchen exhaust or Bathroom fans produce negative air pressure in their respective rooms to draw out cooking or unpleasant bathroom odors.
  • Doors left open between the basement and the upper building areas can provide a path for air (and odors) to pass to upper building levels.
  • Tight building construction, a desirable practice that minimizes leaks and thus saving on building cooling or heating costs, will reduce the prompt supply of new outdoor air when any other  condition is resulting in air movement out of the home or commercial building. Without prompt entry of new outdoor air in a tightly sealed building, back-drafting safety margins decrease making plumbing mistakes all the more dangerous.
  • Exhaust-only ventilation systems in buildings can produce back-drafting conditions, especially in tightly sealed buildings.
  • Homes with large ventilation exhaust fans produce very powerful negative indoor air pressure which is sufficient to create back-drafting that affects both the plumbing system drain and the plumbing vent piping and possibly the heating or cooking appliances.
  • Windows opened on upper building floors and closed on lower building floors increase air movement upwards in these buildings.
  • Fireplaces, while being used, especially open fireplaces that don’t have an air-tight glass fire screen or door, can create significant air movement out of the building and then up the chimney, potentially causing back-drafting in other building areas.
  • Warm air in a commercial multi-story building rising by natural convection during cold weather creates negative air pressure on lower floors, drawing sewer gases out of the dry traps, drains, or any faulty plumbing vent piping.
If you are smelling a sewer odor now or if you have smelled a sewer odor in your home or commercial building during a storm or rainy day, you have a potentially dangerous plumbing issue that you are not aware of. Don’t ignore it! Give us a call at Pathmaker Plumbing so we can check it out for you.

If your looking for a plumber in Greater Charlotte, Concord, Harrisburg and… Contact the plumbing experts at Pathmaker Plumbing: 704-773-7507

Plumbing Tips & Tricks

There are over a million parts to your home and knowing a few trick can help keep your home running smoothly for years to come.

Plumbing Tips & Tricks
 The following plumbing tips and tricks are perfect to keep your house flowing smoothly.
  • Always know where your main water shut-off valve is, and how to turn off your water heater – This could mean the difference between a dry basement, and a basement that suddenly resembles a swimming pool.
  • Every fixture in your home contains an isolation valve to stop water flow. Once a year, take the time to turn those valves on and off to ensure they are in proper working order.
  • Use cold water when using your garbage disposal. The cold water keeps your blades sharp, which helps your disposal run smooth. Running hot water down the drain while you are using the garbage disposal can cause the drain to clog from any grease that is in there liquefying.
  • The flapper is usually the cause of many toilet problems, so check there first. The flapper is often the culprit if your toilet is leaking, especially if it’s relatively old, as toilet flappers deteriorate with age. Before you rush to replace the flapper, check the pressure of the chain. If the pressure is normal, then replacing the flapper is your best bet.
  • If you are cleaning fiberglass bathtubs and sinks, use a non-abrasive cleaner like laundry detergent or dish washing soap. Unlike abrasive cleaners, these products are free of harsh chemicals and are therefore much gentler on your pipes.
  • A regular old pipe snake could be all it takes to clean out a clogged drain stack on your washing machine. Lint and small debris in your washing machine can accumulate and create a clogged drain.
  • Always keep exposed pipes warm during freezing winter weather. When the weather gets cold enough, pipes could freeze and result in damages. Pipes inside the home can also freeze if they run from outdoors. To prevent pipes from freezing and to make sure water keeps flowing, position a portable heater or heat lamp near the pipes on cold nights.

Hope these tips help!

If your looking for a plumber in Greater Charlotte, Concord, Harrisburg and… Contact the plumbing experts at Pathmaker Plumbing: 704-773-7507

Why Hire a Professional Plumber for Toilet Installation?

An overflowing toilet is never anyone’s idea of a good time. Constantly running toilets waste water and money and can drive a Charlotte homeowner insane. Sometimes you can fix toilet issues yourself and sometimes you’re MUCH better off calling in a toilet repair professional.

Why Hire a Professional Plumber for Toilet Installation
Installing or replacing a toilet may not seem like a difficult task, but in order to avoid future problems, it may be a good idea to invest in the services of a professional. For proper installation, it is essential to have knowledge about water lines, hardware, drainage as well as flooring on which the toilet is to be fixed. Installation of toilet can be a complicated procedure, especially in case there are some structural deformities or problems with the flooring.

Major problems in toilet installation
Soft floor can cause major problems during toilet installation. If moisture has entered the floor, it can cause the toilet to sag. This problem is often observed when replacing an old leaking toilet with a new one. It is a major structural problem and getting professional help is advisable. Uneven floors also cause problems during the installation of toilets. A professional will be able to diagnose the problem and provide the best solution.

Even the best quality toilet will not last long, if it is not installed properly. Improper installation can cause problems like the cracking of toilet, which can result in injury. It can also cause leakage at various levels, which can cause damage not only to the toilet and pipes, but also flooring. This can be avoided by getting your toilet installed by an experienced plumber.

Benefits of hiring a professional plumber for toilet installation
If installed properly, good quality toilets can function without any problems for decades. You can be sure of proper installation, if you employ experienced and reliable service provider like Pathmaker Plumbing. The biggest advantage of getting professional help is that they have extensive knowledge on the subject and the experience of installing different kinds of toilets. They are also familiar with different kinds of problems faced during installation and the ways of tackling them in the best possible manner. If you are not experienced in plumbing, you can avoid frustration and added expense by employing a professional from the start.

Pathmaker Plumbing is one of the best plumbing service providers in Charlotte, NC. Whether you need to install a new toilet, want to replace your old one or need to repair your overflowing, gurgling or leaking toilet, you will find solution for all you plumbing needs at Pathmaker Plumbing. Regardless of the plumbing service you require, you can expect prompt and professional service from experts at Pathmaker Plumbing.

If your looking for a plumber in Greater Charlotte, Concord, Harrisburg and… Contact the plumbing experts at Pathmaker Plumbing: 704-773-7507

Harrisburg Sewer Line Repair & Replacement

A poorly maintained sewer or septic system in Charlotte poses a threat both to your home and to the environment. Homeowners bear the responsibility of maintaining their household’s sewage system, which requires periodic inspection and, if the home uses a septic system, emptying.

If your sewer or septic system is in need of maintenance, contact Pathmaker Plumbing, Charlotte’s premier plumbing specialists.

A septic system can effectively accommodate your household wastewater for years, provided you keep it adequately maintained. A neglected septic system, on the other hand, will contaminate groundwater, posing an environmental threat and potentially polluting drinking water. A septic system is deceptively simple.
A septic system has four main components:

  • A pipe from the residence
  • A septic tank
  • A drainfield
  • Soil

    Your household wastewater exits the home from a pipe leading to the septic tank. It then enters the septic tank – a subterranean, watertight container usually made of concrete, polyethylene or fiberglass. The septic tank holds wastewater long enough that solid waste materials drift to the bottom of the tank and lighter materials like grease and oil float to the top. The solid materials then partially decompose. The wastewater exits the septic tank and is discharged into the drainfield for further treatment. There the wastewater percolates into the soil, which further treats it by removing viruses and bacteria.

    To prevent the buildup of scum and floating sludge in your septic tank have it periodically pumped and inspected. It is also important that you prevent the drainfield from becoming overloaded with too much liquid. When a drainfield is overloaded it will flood and cause sewage to overflow into plumbing fixtures. You need to seek the services of professional plumbers to see to it that your septic system is in top condition. Pathmaker Plumbing can serve all your septic tank needs to ensure you receive many years of use from your septic tank.

    A properly maintained septic system will save you money; the cost of regular inspection and maintenance is far less than that of replacement of an entire system. A poorly maintained septic system will lower your property value and leave you vulnerable to legal liability. Safe treatment of sewage protects your property and the environment. With more than 4 billion gallons of wastewater a day discharged below the ground’s surface in the United States it is important that you do your part to ensure your septic system is functioning properly. Pathmaker Plumbing can aid you in doing just that.

    Pathmaker Plumbing can also aid you in detecting leaks in your sewer system. Sewer leaks can contaminate nearby soil and groundwater.
    Sewer leaks can result from a number of reasons, including:
    • Soil slippage
    • Loss of foundation due to a washout
    • Tree root invasion
    • Flooding
    • Sewage backup
    Sewer inspections save money and time by visually identifying and locating problems in your sewer lines. Our high-tech sewer inspection camera travels through your sewer lines, allowing us to locate quickly and efficiently problems in your sewer line. By using our camera to pinpoint the depth and location of the problem we can determine the most cost effective way to repair the problem in your sewer system. 

    A poorly maintained sewer system or septic tank can cause significant damage to your home and property if not dealt with promptly in a professional manner. Contact Pathmaker Plumbing in Charlotte for all your sewer and septic system needs.

    If your looking for a plumber in Greater Charlotte, Concord, Harrisburg and… Contact the plumbing experts at Pathmaker Plumbing: 704-773-7507

    Hose Bib Installation & Repair

    Hose Bib Installation & Repair
    Different Types of Hose Bibs

    Hose bibs are used in cold temperatures to drain water out of the section of the hose that is exposed to the weather. You will want to install a hose bib too if you live in a place with harsh winters. There are several different types of hose bibs. They are mentioned below so that you gain an idea about them when you plan to install one in your home.

    Frost free hose bibs
    These are the most widely used hose bibs among many homes in cold locations. These hose bibs can be spotted on the external spigot. As the name suggests, the frost free nature of the hose bib means you don’t have to turn off the water to the spigot during the winter.

    Non-frost free hose bibs

    This is one of the oldest types of hose bibs, and so their functions are pretty basic. The main problem with these hose bibs is that they are not frost free, making the water trapped inside the hose to freeze and expand and causing damage to the pipeline. These hose bibs are very rarely used nowadays and if you have one of these, you should consider replacing them immediately before the winter sets in.
    Loose key hose bibs

    The loose key hose bib comes with a detachable loose key, so that whenever the hose bib is not in use, the key can be detached. This gives you more control over using the hose. With the loose key detached, it will be impossible for others to turn the water on or off.

    Round plastic hose bib
    The round plastic hose bib can be commonly found in water heaters. These hose bibs are used to empty the water tank if it needs to be cleaned or repaired or replaced. Round plastic bibs are known for their convenience to operate. Dismantling them is very easy- it is done by turning the bib clockwise and jerking it a little.

    Knobbed hose bib
    Knobbed hose bibs are also used very often in water heaters. They work very much like the round plastic ones, where the water can be drained when you wish to. These bibs can only be unfastened with a pipe wrench.

    These are some of the commonly used types of hose bibs. If you need one installed in your home, it recommended that you seek professional help for the purpose.

    If your looking for a plumber in Greater Charlotte, Concord, Harrisburg and… Contact the plumbing experts at Pathmaker Plumbing: 704-773-7507

    Garbage Disposals

    Is your garbage disposal suddenly cantankerous, growling, gurgling and grumbling at you every time you switch it on? Does it now refuse the refuse it once gobbled up so greedily? Or has it simply come time to retire it for a newer, more efficient model?

    If you answered “yes” to any or all of these questions, then Pathmaker Plumbing, Charlotte’s premier plumbing specialists, stands ready to help you with all of your garbage disposal repair and installation needs.

    A garbage disposal is an electrically powered device installed under the kitchen sink between the sink's drain and trap. It shreds food waste into pieces small enough to pass through your household plumbing. Food scraps represent 10 to 20 percent of household waste; garbage disposals thus help reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills. A garbage disposal allows a homeowner to dispose of food waste in liquid form, thereby using existing infrastructure like underground sewers and wastewater treatment plants for its management.

    A garbage disposal operates in a fairly straightforward manner. A high-torque, insulated electric motor spins a circular turntable mounted horizontally above it. This turntable is surrounded by a shredder ring, which has a number of sharp slots. The scraps of food sit on the turntable and, by means of centrifugal force, are propelled to its perimeter and through the shredder ring. The turntable uses swiveling lugs to assist the food waste through the shredder.

    Sometimes a garbage disposal will become jammed. These jams, which can be due to forcing inappropriate foodstuffs down the disposal, can usually be cleared by forcing the turntable round from above or by turning the motor with a hex-key wrench inserted into the motor shaft from below. If neither solution should work for your jammed garbage disposal your next step should be to contact Pathmaker Plumbing. We specialize in garbage disposal repair and installation, and can provide the service you need for your garbage disposal.

    Perhaps you want to invest in a brand new garbage disposal. If so, call Pathmaker Plumbing in Charlotte.

    To keep your garbage disposal in tip-top shape for years to come, make sure to periodically grind a few ice cubes in it to keep the blades sharp and clean. And when you’re out of town for an extended period of time, put a few squirts of vegetable oil (or WD-40) in your disposal to prevent it from seizing up from disuse.

    Pathmaker Plumbing is your one resource for all your garbage disposal installation and repair needs. We’ll repair or make sure your garbage disposal is properly installed. Pathmaker Plumbing specializes in garbage disposal and repair.

    If your looking for a plumber in Greater Charlotte, Concord, Harrisburg and… Contact the plumbing experts at Pathmaker Plumbing: 704-773-7507

    Charlotte Leaky Faucets

    Charlotte Leaky Faucets

    Does your home have leaky faucets or old, outdated sinks? Are your bathroom sinks cracked or stained? Does the dripping of your kitchen sink keep you up at night? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you need to call Pathmaker Plumbing, Charlotte’s premier plumbing specialists.
    Ignoring a leaky faucet can over many years cost you hundreds of dollars in wasted water. The National Sanitation Foundation reports that a faucet that leaks as slowly as one drip a second wastes as much as 2,000 gallons a year in water and cause damage to your sink basin. The cost of these wasted gallons of water quickly adds up, which is why it is important to contact Whitton Plumbing to repair the leaky faucets in your households.

    Leaky faucets also have a negative impact on the environment. Freshwater ecosystems are some of the most diverse, but they are also the most threatened. Dwindling water supplies add to the threat faced by these ecosystems; as water supplies are exhausted, species that make freshwater ecosystems their home must compete with humans for access to freshwater. One of the most damaging and disruptive threats to these ecosystems are the dams and canals that must be built to provide human habitations with freshwater. By fixing your leaky faucet you are helping to take some of the pressure off these fragile ecosystems.

    You will also stop the waste of a precious resource by fixing your leaky faucet. Of the 6.7 billion people who inhabit the earth today, 1.2 billion lack access to potable freshwater. By calling Pathmaker Plumbing to fix your leaky faucet you will help conserve thousands of gallons of this vital resource.

    Once your faucets are fixed and your sinks refinished, make sure you keep your drains clear by regularly maintaining them to prevent blockages. Flush drains once a week to keep them clear of soap, grease and other debris. You can also treat your drains once every six months with a non-caustic drain cleaner, which will keep your household plumbing clear without damaging your pipes.
    Leaking faucets and damaged sinks can waste significant amounts of water and can cause appreciable damage to your household. To fix your leaky faucets and damaged, outdated sinks, contact Pathmaker Plumbing.

    If your looking for a plumber in Greater Charlotte, Concord, Harrisburg and… Contact the plumbing experts at Pathmaker Plumbing: 704-773-7507

    Charlotte Plumbing Laundry Box Installation & Repair

    Charlotte Laundry Box Installation & Repair

    Laundry Box – An Essential Installation for Your Laundry Room
    One of the problems that you may face when you relocate your washing machine is that the pipes and lines that led to it become visible. With the appliance no longer blocking the view to them, it can make your laundry room look ugly. It is likely that even without relocating, the pipes are exposed around the washing machine. This can make the area around the appliance look cluttered and untidy.
    The best solution to deal with this problem is to install a laundry box. Fixed to a wall and used to house the lines and pipes that lead to and away from the washing machine, the box is quite useful. The key benefit is that it makes the space look neat and ordered. It also serves to protect the pipes from exposure to environmental elements, thereby increasing their life span. When you get a laundry box installed at home, there are a few aspects that you should be aware of.
    Here are some of them:

    Laundry box features
    Laundry box manufacturers realize that users require products that can meet their expectations. So they have designed several types of laundry boxes capable of offering some unique benefits. These are enabled by the different features that accompany the boxes. One such pertains to the different valve and drain placements in the boxes. Though all laundry boxes have these, their positions generally differ. For example, some have valves placed forward and drains at the back while a few come with valves at the top and drains at the bottom. Select one on the basis of how the valves and drains are placed on your washing machine.

    Another good way to choose a box is on the basis of the material it has been made from. For instance, if you want a strong box, go for one made from high strength steel, but if you want one that is fire resistant, buy one made from plastic resin. With so many options to choose from, ensure that the one you pick has features that suit your requirements.

    Professional installation services
    There are several benefits to opting for a professional installation service. The risks associated with the installation will be very low compared to if you were to do it yourself.  Pathmaker Plumbing in Charlotte will get the job done efficiently and quickly.

    If your looking for a plumber in Greater Charlotte, Concord, Harrisburg and… Contact the plumbing experts at Pathmaker Plumbing: 704-773-7507

    Tuesday, June 25, 2013

    Faucet Repair & Installation
    Living with a dripping faucet that’s driving you crazy and wasting your water – and your money? Ready to upgrade from that old, worn-out faucet and bring your décor into the 21st century? Pathmaker Plumbing is the #1 Charlotte Faucet Repair & Installation Contractor to call when you need any repairs to your existing faucets or a complete installation of new ones in your bathroom or kitchen. Not only is it more pleasant to live with functioning faucets in your bathroom and kitchen, it adds to your home’s value to have attractive, properly installed plumbing. Upgrading something as simple as a tub or sink faucet in Charlotte makes a huge difference when it’s time to sell your home. Home buyers look for such details and having a licensed, professional and experienced Charlotte faucet contractor do the work is a must.

    For more than 15 years, we have been offering quality plumbing and heating and air conditioner repair services to our friends in the Charlotte metro area. Our contractors do everything from small repairs to complete installations of plumbing, cooling and heating units for commercial and residential clients. It is our pleasure to fix your faucet in Charlotte, Concord, Harrisburg and Mooresville, TN. No job is ever too big or small for a Pathmaker Plumbing faucet repair expert!

    More Than Just Faucet Repair

    Faucet Repair vs. Faucet Installation
    Faucet repair isn’t always possible. We also know when it is not cost effective to repair a faucet. There are always times when it is less expensive to replace faucets. New faucet installation may be necessary because of unrepairable cracks in valve bodies or because your faucets are simply too worn to work properly anymore. Changing faucets and fixtures can transform your kitchen or bath into an entire new space. If you’re considering a bathroom or kitchen renovation, we can help! Our licensed plumbing contractors are trained to have a high attention to detail when installing sinks, showers, faucets, and toilets

    Choosing and installing a water heater in Charlotte

    Thousands of water heaters in Charlotte are installed every year by unlicensed handymen or home owners. Improperly installed water heaters cause fires, floods and even deaths. In 2007 there was an estimated 7,200 reported home structure fires involving water heaters resulting in 30 civilian deaths, 340 civilian injuries and $75 million in direct property damage.  [Source] According to the Centers for Disease Control, unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning causes more than 400 deaths each year and more than 20,000 visits the emergency room.

    Only a licensed plumber is trained to look for all possible potential installation dangers and code violations making sure your water heater will operate efficiently and safely for its life.

    We service and install, Electric Water Heaters, Gas Water Heaters, Hybrid Heat Pump Water Heaters, Point of Use (On Demand) Water Heaters and Tankless Water Heaters.

    All water heaters installed in Charlotte, Concord and Harrisburg should be installed by a licensed contractor and inspected by the city.

    If your looking for a plumber in Greater Charlotte, Concord, Harrisburg and… Contact the plumbing experts at Pathmaker Plumbing: 704-773-7507

    About Pathmaker Plumbing

    About Pathmaker Plumbing: 
    We believe business is meant to serve families, and not the other way around. You will see this reflected in our compassion and desire for people and not just their business. For this reason, we provide a full inspection of your plumbing system on every residential service call. This way we help you prevent plumbing disasters altogether. Call us for your next Concord plumbing, Charlotte plumbing and Harrisburg plumbing needs.

    About the Owner, John: 
    John Stokes has been a licensed Charlotte plumber for 15 years. He and his wife have four children. Besides being actively involved in their education he also helps lead Boy Scouts. When he is not serving someone with a plumbing need you can find him spending time with his family, honing his photography skills, working in the family garden or chipping away at his Masters in Theology. 

    Visit our site at

    Pathmaker Plumbing is NC Plumbing company, licensed (license # 31626) and insured.

    Concord NC Plumbing Company Repairs and Service

    Concord NC Plumbing Company Repairs and Service

    Pathmaker Plumbing has been serving Concord for over 15 years. Our plumbing technicians are experienced in all aspects of plumbing services including drain cleaning, leak detection, sewer repair, drain unstops, water heater repairs, and water heater installations.

    Water main repair, replacement, and installation

    Sewer line repair, replacement, and installation

    Bathtub installation and replacement

    Faucet installation, repair, and replacement

    Shower installation and replacement

    Toilet installation and replacement

    Sink, fixture, and hardware installation and replacement

    Emergency plumbing repair

    Water heater repair and installation

    Sump pump installation and repair

    Leak detection

    Gas plumbing

    Video pipe inspection

    Faucet repair

    Our Concord NC Plumbers

    We know the plumbing and we are dedicated to providing our customers with quality service at competitive prices.

    Pathmaker Plumbing provides professional repair and installation for just about any plumbing need, commercial or residential. Our goal is to help all of our customers keep their plumbing healthy, and we're ready to put our experience to work for you. With our expertise, full stock of plumbing repair parts, and dedication to our clients, our Concord plumbing services are your answer for plumbing installation and repair done right the first time.

    Concord Plumbing Installation

    For both residential and commercial customers, Pathmaker Plumbing is pleased to offer plumbing installation services. Our plumbers are available to install pipes, hardware, and fixtures in both new construction and remodeling projects. Your one-stop shop for plumbing repair and installation, our professional Concord master plumbers provide efficient, effective, and precise workmanship to bring you the very best quality and performance. So whether you're looking to retrofit your home for your kitchen remodel, you're adding an addition onto the house, or you need plumbing installed for a new construction building, our plumbing experts are ready for the job.

    Call today for Concord Drain Cleaning and Repair

    Slow drains? Standing water in the tub? Clogged sink? If you're experiencing the hassle and annoyance of clogged drains, then Pathmaker Plumbing can help. Our master plumbers are experts at drain repair and cleaning. So when you're facing the mess and stress of clogged pipes, don't settle for a temporary quick-fix that comes in a bottle - call the professional plumbers at Pathmaker Plumbing for complete, correct, and affordable drain and sewer line cleaning!

    And don't forget, our Concord plumbers also offer sewer repair, installation, and replacement in addition to drain cleaning. If roots have damaged your sewer pipes, you need new sewer lines installed for your home addition, or you need any other sewer plumbing services, Pathmaker Plumbing is here to help. Call now to learn more.

    Check out or website for more information:

    Call us today at 704-733-7507

    Mooresville NC Plumbing Company Repairs and Service

    Mooresville NC Plumbing Company Repairs and Service
    Pathmaker Plumbing has been serving Mooresville for over 15 years. Our plumbing technicians are experienced in all aspects of plumbing services including drain cleaning, leak detection, sewer repair, drain unstops, water heater repairs, and water heater installations.
    Water main repair, replacement, and installation
    Sewer line repair, replacement, and installation
    Bathtub installation and replacement
    Faucet installation, repair, and replacement
    Shower installation and replacement
    Toilet installation and replacement
    Sink, fixture, and hardware installation and replacement
    Emergency plumbing repair
    Water heater repair and installation
    Sump pump installation and repair
    Leak detection
    Gas plumbing
    Video pipe inspection
    Faucet repair

    Our Mooresville NC Plumbers
    We know the plumbing and we are dedicated to providing our customers with quality service at competitive prices.
    Pathmaker Plumbing provides professional repair and installation for just about any plumbing need, commercial or residential. Our goal is to help all of our customers keep their plumbing healthy, and we're ready to put our experience to work for you. With our expertise, full stock of plumbing repair parts, and dedication to our clients, our Concord plumbing services are your answer for plumbing installation and repair done right the first time.

    Mooresville Plumbing Installation
    For both residential and commercial customers, Pathmaker Plumbing is pleased to offer plumbing installation services. Our plumbers are available to install pipes, hardware, and fixtures in both new construction and remodeling projects. Your one-stop shop for plumbing repair and installation, our professional Concord master plumbers provide efficient, effective, and precise workmanship to bring you the very best quality and performance. So whether you're looking to retrofit your home for your kitchen remodel, you're adding an addition onto the house, or you need plumbing installed for a new construction building, our plumbing experts are ready for the job.

    Call today for Mooresville Drain Cleaning and Repair
    Slow drains? Standing water in the tub? Clogged sink? If you're experiencing the hassle and annoyance of clogged drains, then Pathmaker Plumbing can help. Our master plumbers are experts at drain repair and cleaning. So when you're facing the mess and stress of clogged pipes, don't settle for a temporary quick-fix that comes in a bottle - call the professional plumbers at Pathmaker Plumbing for complete, correct, and affordable drain and sewer line cleaning!
    And don't forget, our Mooresville plumbers also offer sewer repair, installation, and replacement in addition to drain cleaning. If roots have damaged your sewer pipes, you need new sewer lines installed for your home addition, or you need any other sewer plumbing services, Pathmaker Plumbing is here to help. Call now to learn more.

    Check out or website for more information:
    Call us today at 704-733-7507

    Lake Norman NC Plumbing Company Repairs and Service

    Lake Norman NC Plumbing Company Repairs and Service
    Pathmaker Plumbing has been serving Lake Norman for over 15 years. Our plumbing technicians are experienced in all aspects of plumbing services including drain cleaning, leak detection, sewer repair, drain unstops, water heater repairs, and water heater installations.
    Water main repair, replacement, and installation
    Sewer line repair, replacement, and installation
    Bathtub installation and replacement
    Faucet installation, repair, and replacement
    Shower installation and replacement
    Toilet installation and replacement
    Sink, fixture, and hardware installation and replacement
    Emergency plumbing repair
    Water heater repair and installation
    Sump pump installation and repair
    Leak detection
    Gas plumbing
    Video pipe inspection
    Faucet repair
    Our Lake Norman NC Plumbers
    We know the plumbing and we are dedicated to providing our customers with quality service at competitive prices.
    Pathmaker Plumbing provides professional repair and installation for just about any plumbing need, commercial or residential. Our goal is to help all of our customers keep their plumbing healthy, and we're ready to put our experience to work for you. With our expertise, full stock of plumbing repair parts, and dedication to our clients, our Concord plumbing services are your answer for plumbing installation and repair done right the first time.

    Lake Norman Plumbing Installation
    For both residential and commercial customers, Pathmaker Plumbing is pleased to offer plumbing installation services. Our plumbers are available to install pipes, hardware, and fixtures in both new construction and remodeling projects. Your one-stop shop for plumbing repair and installation, our professional Concord master plumbers provide efficient, effective, and precise workmanship to bring you the very best quality and performance. So whether you're looking to retrofit your home for your kitchen remodel, you're adding an addition onto the house, or you need plumbing installed for a new construction building, our plumbing experts are ready for the job.

    Call today for Concord Drain Cleaning and Repair
    Slow drains? Standing water in the tub? Clogged sink? If you're experiencing the hassle and annoyance of clogged drains, then Pathmaker Plumbing can help. Our master plumbers are experts at drain repair and cleaning. So when you're facing the mess and stress of clogged pipes, don't settle for a temporary quick-fix that comes in a bottle - call the professional plumbers at Pathmaker Plumbing for complete, correct, and affordable drain and sewer line cleaning!
    And don't forget, our Lake Norman plumbers also offer sewer repair, installation, and replacement in addition to drain cleaning. If roots have damaged your sewer pipes, you need new sewer lines installed for your home addition, or you need any other sewer plumbing services, Pathmaker Plumbing is here to help. Call now to learn more.

    Call us today at 704-733-7507

    Harrisburg NC Plumbing Company Repairs and Service

    Harrisburg NC Plumbing Company Repairs and Service
    Pathmaker Plumbing has been serving Harrisburg for over 15 years. Our plumbing technicians are experienced in all aspects of plumbing services including drain cleaning, leak detection, sewer repair, drain unstops, water heater repairs, and water heater installations.
    Water main repair, replacement, and installation
    Sewer line repair, replacement, and installation
    Bathtub installation and replacement
    Faucet installation, repair, and replacement
    Shower installation and replacement
    Toilet installation and replacement
    Sink, fixture, and hardware installation and replacement
    Emergency plumbing repair
    Water heater repair and installation
    Sump pump installation and repair
    Leak detection
    Gas plumbing
    Video pipe inspection
    Faucet repair

    Our Harrisburg NC Plumbers
    We know the plumbing and we are dedicated to providing our customers with quality service at competitive prices.

    Pathmaker Plumbing provides professional repair and installation for just about any plumbing need, commercial or residential. Our goal is to help all of our customers keep their plumbing healthy, and we're ready to put our experience to work for you. With our expertise, full stock of plumbing repair parts, and dedication to our clients, our Concord plumbing services are your answer for plumbing installation and repair done right the first time.

    Harrisburg Plumbing Installation
    For both residential and commercial customers, Pathmaker Plumbing is pleased to offer plumbing installation services. Our plumbers are available to install pipes, hardware, and fixtures in both new construction and remodeling projects. Your one-stop shop for plumbing repair and installation, our professional Concord master plumbers provide efficient, effective, and precise workmanship to bring you the very best quality and performance. So whether you're looking to retrofit your home for your kitchen remodel, you're adding an addition onto the house, or you need plumbing installed for a new construction building, our plumbing experts are ready for the job.

    Call today for Harrisburg Drain Cleaning and Repair
    Slow drains? Standing water in the tub? Clogged sink? If you're experiencing the hassle and annoyance of clogged drains, then Pathmaker Plumbing can help. Our master plumbers are experts at drain repair and cleaning. So when you're facing the mess and stress of clogged pipes, don't settle for a temporary quick-fix that comes in a bottle - call the professional plumbers at Pathmaker Plumbing for complete, correct, and affordable drain and sewer line cleaning!
    And don't forget, our Harrisburg plumbers also offer sewer repair, installation, and replacement in addition to drain cleaning. If roots have damaged your sewer pipes, you need new sewer lines installed for your home addition, or you need any other sewer plumbing services, Pathmaker Plumbing is here to help.

    Call us today at 704-733-7507

    Charlotte NC Plumbing Company Repairs and Service

    Charlotte NC Plumbing Company Repairs and Service

    Pathmaker Plumbing has been serving Charlotte for over 15 years. Our plumbing technicians are experienced in all aspects of plumbing services including drain cleaning, leak detection, sewer repair, drain unstops, water heater repairs, and water heater installations.

    Water main repair, replacement, and installation

    Sewer line repair, replacement, and installation

    Bathtub installation and replacement

    Faucet installation, repair, and replacement

    Shower installation and replacement

    Toilet installation and replacement

    Sink, fixture, and hardware installation and replacement

    Emergency plumbing repair

    Water heater repair and installation

    Sump pump installation and repair

    Leak detection

    Gas plumbing

    Video pipe inspection

    Faucet repair

    Our Charlotte NC Plumbers

    We know the plumbing and we are dedicated to providing our customers with quality service at competitive prices.

    Pathmaker Plumbing provides professional repair and installation for just about any plumbing need, commercial or residential. Our goal is to help all of our customers keep their plumbing healthy, and we're ready to put our experience to work for you. With our expertise, full stock of plumbing repair parts, and dedication to our clients, our Concord plumbing services are your answer for plumbing installation and repair done right the first time.

    Charlotte Plumbing Installation

    For both residential and commercial customers, Pathmaker Plumbing is pleased to offer plumbing installation services. Our plumbers are available to install pipes, hardware, and fixtures in both new construction and remodeling projects. Your one-stop shop for plumbing repair and installation, our professional Charlotte master plumbers provide efficient, effective, and precise workmanship to bring you the very best quality and performance. So whether you're looking to retrofit your home for your kitchen remodel, you're adding an addition onto the house, or you need plumbing installed for a new construction building, our plumbing experts are ready for the job.

    Call today for Charlotte Drain Cleaning and Repair

    Slow drains? Standing water in the tub? Clogged sink? If you're experiencing the hassle and annoyance of clogged drains, then Pathmaker Plumbing can help. Our master plumbers are experts at drain repair and cleaning. So when you're facing the mess and stress of clogged pipes, don't settle for a temporary quick-fix that comes in a bottle - call the professional plumbers at Pathmaker Plumbing for complete, correct, and affordable drain and sewer line cleaning!

    And don't forget, our Charlotte plumbers also offer sewer repair, installation, and replacement in addition to drain cleaning. If roots have damaged your sewer pipes, you need new sewer lines installed for your home addition, or you need any other sewer plumbing services, Pathmaker Plumbing is here to help. Call now to learn more.

    Check out or website for more information:

    Call us today at 704-733-7507