Thursday, June 27, 2013

Garbage Disposals

Is your garbage disposal suddenly cantankerous, growling, gurgling and grumbling at you every time you switch it on? Does it now refuse the refuse it once gobbled up so greedily? Or has it simply come time to retire it for a newer, more efficient model?

If you answered “yes” to any or all of these questions, then Pathmaker Plumbing, Charlotte’s premier plumbing specialists, stands ready to help you with all of your garbage disposal repair and installation needs.

A garbage disposal is an electrically powered device installed under the kitchen sink between the sink's drain and trap. It shreds food waste into pieces small enough to pass through your household plumbing. Food scraps represent 10 to 20 percent of household waste; garbage disposals thus help reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills. A garbage disposal allows a homeowner to dispose of food waste in liquid form, thereby using existing infrastructure like underground sewers and wastewater treatment plants for its management.

A garbage disposal operates in a fairly straightforward manner. A high-torque, insulated electric motor spins a circular turntable mounted horizontally above it. This turntable is surrounded by a shredder ring, which has a number of sharp slots. The scraps of food sit on the turntable and, by means of centrifugal force, are propelled to its perimeter and through the shredder ring. The turntable uses swiveling lugs to assist the food waste through the shredder.

Sometimes a garbage disposal will become jammed. These jams, which can be due to forcing inappropriate foodstuffs down the disposal, can usually be cleared by forcing the turntable round from above or by turning the motor with a hex-key wrench inserted into the motor shaft from below. If neither solution should work for your jammed garbage disposal your next step should be to contact Pathmaker Plumbing. We specialize in garbage disposal repair and installation, and can provide the service you need for your garbage disposal.

Perhaps you want to invest in a brand new garbage disposal. If so, call Pathmaker Plumbing in Charlotte.

To keep your garbage disposal in tip-top shape for years to come, make sure to periodically grind a few ice cubes in it to keep the blades sharp and clean. And when you’re out of town for an extended period of time, put a few squirts of vegetable oil (or WD-40) in your disposal to prevent it from seizing up from disuse.

Pathmaker Plumbing is your one resource for all your garbage disposal installation and repair needs. We’ll repair or make sure your garbage disposal is properly installed. Pathmaker Plumbing specializes in garbage disposal and repair.

If your looking for a plumber in Greater Charlotte, Concord, Harrisburg and… Contact the plumbing experts at Pathmaker Plumbing: 704-773-7507